My Passion Project


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    I enjoyed watching your presentation and the focus on social-emotional learning. This upcoming school year is definitely going to be different then any type of school year that most of us as teachers or students will be able to remember. With the amount of uncertainty regarding the pandemic, I think it will be very essential to focus on how our students are feeling mentally. Mental health is very important and I believe that students who struggle with mental health and intrusive thoughts as you mentioned in your presentation will have a difficult time with school. I think one activity that would be great for students would just to have an open discussion at the end of the school day and just let out whatever is on the students minds. This will give students the opportunity to let off some stress. As a physical education student teacher, I will plan on utilizing activities such as yoga to try and calm the minds of my students and get them to relax if they are feeling stressed which I am sure they will be feeling. Great job on your elaboration social-emotional well being, it definitely helped me learn more about it.

  2. Thank you, Rebecca, for your beautiful presentation on SEL and Mindfulness as you anticipate the school year with your 5th graders.

    Steven's suggestion about making time at the end of the day to share could be cathartic for students to release. Simple breathing exercises inhale to count of 5, hold for 7 counts and exhale for 9 counts.

    Of interest also from Edutopia are:

    When you implement these strategies this year in your 5th grade classroom, please keep a journal of your reflection of the process, progress, anecdotes, concerns, quanadries. Your insights may contribute to an article that others may benefit from reading about your classroom practice.



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